About the Business
If you are looking for one of the best driving schools in Milton Keynes and want to take driving lessons with a instructor who creates a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere to learn to drive, why not give me a call to get you off to a safe and enjoyable learning experience. You could get your driving freedom sooner than you think and driving your own car in Milton Keynes, allow me to get you there safely and in control or your own destiny.

Our pass rates don’t lie we are near twice the average for our local Bletchley driving test centre pass rate which stands at 45.7% between April 2014 to March 2015 we constantly hover around the 85% test pass mark, so you are in good hands with our driving school. Our success is down to your success, so come and be a part of our high pass rates.

Business Offers

First 10 Hours Block Booking Deal

First 10 Hours Block Booking Deal

From £220
We have the cheapest first 10 hour block booking deal in Milton Keynes.
Location & Hours

81 Perivale

Milton Keynes, MK10 9PE
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